
Sendlane Integration Streamlines Email Marketing and Boosts Retention


January 25, 2023 announces partnership with Sendlane, a data-driven email marketing automation solution to engage, inspire and retain customers while boosting revenue.

Sendlane and partnership for email marketing

Email marketing supercharges ecommerce success. It enables merchants to build brand loyalty, drive incremental sales and save time and resources through automation. That’s why we are thrilled to team up with Sendlane, a data-driven email marketing automation solution. clients can now integrate with Sendlane to easily segment their customer data and deploy personalized communications throughout the subscription lifecycle to connect with their customers on a whole new level.

Email Marketing Is Crucial Right Now

Social distancing requirements and traditional supply chain disruption have pushed more consumers online during the pandemic. In fact, the U.S. Department of Commerce reports  retail ecommerce sales for the second quarter of 2020 reached $211.5 billion, a 31.8% increase from the previous quarter. And other reports show consumer buying habits are permanently changing. Moreover, a study published by and found 80% of consumers plan to maintain all or some of their new shopping habits over the next three years.

As the world is primed for ecommerce, it is time to double down and leverage email marketing to reach the vast number of consumers already shopping online.

Email Marketing and Ecommerce: A Powerful Combination

There is no one-size-fits-all ecommerce platform solution. Integrations enable merchants to quickly sync tools essential for achieving goals — all while maximizing revenue and nurturing genuine shopper engagement. That’s why partnerships with innovative companies like Sendlane are so valuable.

Picture of email marketing statistics

Sendlane provides email marketing automation backed by rich data that empowers ecommerce brands to turn their online shoppers into loyal lifetime customers. Robust capabilities help ecommerce merchants and campaign managers track customer journeys, create hyper-personalized emails, automatically deliver messages at optimal times and more.

See how’s integration with Sendlane enables businesses to thrive:

Personalize Customer Communication  

Create a personalized relationship with customers using emails that truly speak to them. The integration allows merchants to build customer and prospect lists in Sendlane, then sync that data with’s customer segmentation tool. Build even more granular customer and prospect groups, without any extra steps. This is especially useful for subscription businesses that rely on email marketing to connect with niche audiences.

Target the Right Customers at the Right Time

Sendlane’s machine learning algorithms use customer behavior to send targeted messaging — increasing deliverability rates and campaign effectiveness. Sendlane takes data from transactional emails, like order and tracking confirmations, to determine when email receivers are habitually opening messages. Smart automation applies those learnings to future email sends, including cross-marketing email campaigns, so you can connect with your customers at precisely the right moment.

Consolidate Information in One Interface

Don’t waste time toggling between ecommerce and email marketing platforms. Our integration lets merchants house campaign information in one centralized space and avoid duplicative configuration in two separate platforms. With and Sendlane, you can reduce the chance of sending the same message to a customer in overlapping audience segments.

Start Selling Quickly  

Get up and running fast. Merchants will eliminate the need to manually transfer information since and Sendlane both operate using open API-based platforms. That means our integration easily syncs order-level data, so merchants don’t have to. Sendlane and also have dedicated account managers with frequent communication loops to streamline onboarding.

Turn email marketing into your primary ecommerce growth engine. Connect with to learn more about integrating Sendlane for more robust functionality.

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