
migrating to subscriptions for bigcommerce


June 20, 2024

Learn everything you need to know about migrating to the Subscriptions app for BigCommerce — including the benefits, how it works and frequently asked questions.

Ecommerce merchant migrating ecommerce platforms

How do you provide the best experience for your subscription customers?

That’s the big question all subscription merchants ask, and there’s not one right answer. Even within your customer niche, you’ll have individuals with wildly different needs and preferences. Finding a way to serve them all is a difficult challenge for any seller.

Your best starting point is a foundation that allows for more choice, more personalization and more diversification. Sometimes, that means starting over with a new subscription solution.

We recognize making that switch is a consequential decision. It requires an internal reorientation and a reallocation of resources. And there are almost always unexpected side effects. In short, it’s a risk. But sometimes, the payoff makes a risk worth taking.

If you’re thinking about taking that step, we want to help you be as ready as possible. Here’s what you need to know about making the switch to the Subscriptions app for BigCommerce.

is it time to migrate to a new subscription management app?

It can be hard to determine when investing in a change is the best choice for your business. Make sure you’re getting a big-picture view and a long-term perspective by asking yourself questions like:

  • Does my current subscription app give me room to grow?
  • Are the resources that go into maintaining our current platform sustainable and scalable?
  • Does my current app offer competent customer support?

If you answered “no” to two or more of these questions, it may be time for a change.

Of course, you also want to analyze the market to see if it makes sense to switch. Keep the following questions in mind while you’re researching other options:

  • Does this app integrate with the ecommerce tools and payment service providers I use?
  • Does it have more functionality than my current solution?
  • Is it missing any features or offerings that we won’t be able to replace or replicate?
  • Does it have features I don’t need yet but might want in the future as my company grows?

There’s no point in switching to a solution that doesn’t remove pain points and offer new opportunities for growth. You don’t want to find yourself in the same bind two years down the road — the best trait any migration can have is for it to be your final one.

what does migration involve?

BigCommerce migration steps for

The migration process and timeline vary for each merchant, depending on your original app, the size of your product database and other factors. However, there are a few steps that are the same regardless of your starting circumstances.

You can expect your migration process to look something like this:

  1. Connect with a onboarding specialist.
  2. Install Subscriptions on your BigCommerce Store.
  3. Export your customer data and product catalog from your old subscription app.
  4. Our team processes and validates customer data.
  5. Our team syncs your product and order data to the app.
  6. You start processing orders through

No other BigCommerce subscription app is native to the platform, so each has its own export process that results in different data configurations. For more details on the process specific to your current subscription app, talk to one of our migration specialists. Our team has helped hundreds of merchants get started with our platform and is happy to share that expertise with you.

benefits of migrating to subscriptions for BigCommerce

We have a lot to offer established subscription merchants that are ready to take their business to the next level. When you make the switch, you’re investing in the following values.

responsive customer service

Our customer service team is on call to help you — literally. We offer phone support, along with live chat and email. And you’ll never pay to talk to one of our support technicians; it’s our job to help merchants use the platform we’ve built.

As a current BigCommerce seller, you’ll be assigned a migration specialist who will be happy to explain the process, answer your questions and they provide training to help your entire team prepare for the switch. Our hands-on service and wealth of knowledge have helped many merchants like you get a running start with  

“We were very impressed with the genuine support and helpful tips from our onboarding partner, Zakk! He was so patient, calm and very knowledgeable about the whole process. He even helped us with a few related issues with setting up our store. Thank you for your great customer service and follow-through to help us get up and running. — Highly recommend!” — 3x3FIT

improved functionality

We’re proud to say our subscription management app comes with more features than other leading BigCommerce Subscription apps. We’re the only platform that integrates natively with BigCommerce, meaning you can take advantage of their excellent tools along with our subscription management features. offers more distinct subscription billing options than any other app you’ll find on BigCommerce. And that’s just the start. We’ve focused on building tools that help sellers retain and monetize their audience. For instance, with, you can get Rebill Protection to preemptively flag orders that will fail, allowing you to proactively fix the issue.

You’ll also get access to strong data and analytics to help you understand your audience, including key metrics like subscriber numbers, churn rate and chargeback ratio. Plus, we offer product forecasting, so you’ll always have what your buyers want. Our user-friendly dashboards allow you to visualize your performance at any time, and you can export or download reports to share.  

There’s a lot more to love about Check out our feature comparison guide to see how we measure up to other BigCommerce subscription apps.
There’s a lot more to love about Check out our feature comparison guide to see how we measure up to other BigCommerce subscription apps.

a growing feature list

Our team at is hard at work learning what merchants need…and delivering it to them. We’re actively developing and releasing new features to meet the evolving demands of ecommerce users. Our developers are inspired by user feedback. In fact, many of our most popular features have been driven by customer needs.

At the same time, we recognize not everyone wants or needs the same things from a subscription management app. offers a modular experience. That means you can pick and choose which features to use on your BigCommerce store for a customer experience that’s uniquely yours.

an upgraded consumer experience

We built to serve merchants and shoppers alike. Subscription self-management is a snap with our consumer portal. Give your buyers control over their subscription experience, and they’ll be more likely to stick around.

We help you capture customer data and behaviors so you can build personalized experiences. Leverage our integrations with tools like Klaviyo, Mailchimp and Omnisend to send automated and one-off marketing communications that make your buyers feel understood.

You’ll also find it easy to serve different niches thanks to our multi-storefront certification and multi-currency support. With running your subscriptions’ backend, you can customize your frontend to the best of BigCommerce’s capabilities.

Limited Time Offer: We’re waiving migration costs for eligible BigCommerce merchants through 12/31/23. Contact our team to learn if you qualify for this offer.

common questions about migrating to

Want to know more? No sweat. Here are some common questions we get from BigCommerce subscription merchants — and you can always reach out to our migration experts for more details.

will shoppers be able to use my site while I’m migrating?

Our team has perfected our migration process to minimize the amount of downtime your site will experience. You can keep selling subscriptions as we prepare your store for the change. Afterwards, we’ll monitor your store’s rebills to make sure everything is functioning as expected.

what subscription apps do you support migration from?

We can help you switch to from all major BigCommerce subscription apps, including Rebillia, MiniBC, Bold, Recharge and Ordergroove. Reach out to our migration experts for more details on the process that’s specific to your platform.

what kind of support can we expect during migration?

When you decide to make the switch, we’ll assign a migration specialist to assist you with everything. We’ll walk you through installing Subscriptions and integrating with the supporting services you use. Our team offers comprehensive training on the platform and is here to help you configure the app so it works for you.

We also support you during the data transfer process. Our internal tools translate your records to native BigCommerce standards and ensure your buyers’ sensitive information stays safe and protected the entire time.

we’re here to make your migration experience a positive one

When you’re busy with a migration, the stress of the unexpected is the last thing you need. Our team is here to take that burden off of your hands. We create true partnerships with BigCommerce merchants, helping them make the most of the platform, depending on their needs.

Giving your business its best chance to succeed is the most important thing to us because we know it’s the most important thing to you. If you’re ready to upgrade to a feature-rich, growing, native BigCommerce app, we’re ready to help. The migration may be a change, but we’re confident it’s one that will stick.

Go bigger with the subscription app built for BigCommerce

contact one of our migration specialists for a free consultation. we’re here to answer your questions, explain the process and share how can help your business thrive.

supercharge your ecommerce business
Learn more about essential
subscription management features.
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